Become tidy coaching

You deserve for your home to look beautiful. If you struggle to maintain your home, I can help. Together we can get to the root cause of the issue, put together a plan of action and make sure you have the regular support you need to succeed.

The benefits

How home maintenance coaching can help you

An easy and doable cleaning & tidying schedule

Learn which jobs need doing and how often and get help fitting this into your calendar.

Stay on track

Advice and accountability to help you keep your home tidy with simple daily routines.

Become house proud

Take pride in your home and enjoy living in a clean, tidy, calm and beautiful environment.

How I can help you become and stay tidy

Find joy in housework

Whether you live in a studio flat or a six-bedroom house, on your own, with family or housemates, I can provide a plan, strategies and most of all, accountability to help you maintain you home.


We’ll have a chat, by telephone or video call, to discuss your needs. 

Setting you up for success

As we work together, I’ll learn about what’s keeping you from having a clean and tidy home and make suggestions about how we can rectify this. 

One of the problems you might face in keeping your home tidy is that you have too much clutter. If this is the case, then I can support you as you declutter your home.

It will also help to look at how your space is organised. We can talk about storage, categories, and give everything a home that suits how you live, so that it’s easier for you to put things away. 

Tidying coaching

I’ll provide you with tips and advice, as well as an easy-to-follow schedule and routines to help you maintain your home. 

Change can take time, so I’m here to support you over the long term should you need it. Once we’ve got a plan in place, we can meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly either in person, over the phone or on zoom, to help you stay accountable and to assist you as you grow your tidy muscles.


You can mix & match all services to suit your needs.

Get in touch to chat about your needs, time and budget, and to get started.

My latest cleaning and tidying tip

Follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more tips and advice.

Are you an all-or-nothing thinker?

Do you do any of these:

  • Delay putting laundry away until you can perfectly fold everything, underpants included
  • Keep new cushions and candles etc. as a reward for once you’ve finally tided up
  • Hold onto items you’re decluttering because you want to find the perfect home for everything
  • Keep food shopping on the side for days until you’re ready to decant it into jars
  • Delay eating healthily until your kitchen gets tidied
  • Organise an entire area only to let it get messy again because it’s too difficult for you to maintain
All-or-nothing thinking is one of the biggest barriers to a tidy home.
We’re all guilty of it in one way or another. The trick is to be aware of it and try to challenge your perfectionist mindset.
Remember, in most cases, getting it done imperfectly is better than putting it off because you don’t have the time or energy to do it perfectly.