Organise Around Your Period

How to Organise Your Life Around Your Period

Work with your body and plan your month around your menstrual cycle.

LAST UPDATED: 20/04/2021

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Organising, seasonal living and wellness are three of my favourite things. So when I first heard our monthly menstrual cycle compared to the seasons, I was very excited. My immediate thought was that I need to learn more and start organising my life around these seasons of my cycle. After all, anything we can do to work with our bodies should help us live a more natural life.

So I have done my research and would like to share my findings with you. Firstly, an explanation of the monthly menstrual cycle and the seasons.

Women get their period every 28 days on average. During this 28 day cycle, our hormones fluctuate, creating changes to our energy levels and mood. Some stages do last a little longer than others. But for ease and balance, it can be viewed as four week-long seasons. Week one is winter, week two is spring, week three is summer and week four is autumn.

Week 1: winter (days 1-7)

What is happening

The cycle starts on the first day of your period, so it is easy to remember. Then, most women bleed for up to a week, during which time our estrogen and progesterone are low.

How you feel


You are bound to feel lower in energy, less productive and less able to focus.


Mood-wise, you might feel a bit low, introspective and less chatty.

In physical pain

As well as your emotions changing, you have period pain to contend with and other symptoms such as headaches – joy!

Diet/ supplements

You may notice a craving for warming and replenishing foods at this time, such as soups and stews. It is also a good idea to replace some of the nutrients lost during menstruation.


You are losing blood, so your iron levels might be a bit lower than usual. Foods high in iron like meat, beans, leafy greens and nuts and seeds will likely help, or you could consider taking an iron supplement to help boost your energy.

Healthy fats

It is a good time for increasing your omega 3 by eating oily fish or nuts and seeds.

Vitamins and healthy proteins

A diet high in vitamins B12 and vitamin C will help. Think peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and healthy proteins such as fish, chicken, legumes, yoghurt and eggs.

High-fibre carbs

Keeping the skin on your veg and potatoes and increasing your intake of rice, quinoa and lentils will help boost your energy.


You might not feel like exercising, but try to do something, else it may be hard to get back into it the following week.

Low-impact cardio

Walking, cycling, rowing, or swimming are good ideas this week.

Gentle strengthening exercises

Pilates should feel doable, or other exercises that use your body weight as resistance like squats, lunges, sit-ups, dips, push-ups and planking.

Slow-paced yoga

Yin yoga or a simple hatha yoga should be gentle enough to do help calm the mind.


You might be feeling less productive or a bit tired, so scheduling simple activities will be a better use of your time.

Easy tasks and organisation

Choose methodic tasks that require less thought or concentration, or use your time to plan for the month ahead.

Free time

Limit social engagements

You might feel less chatty or lower in mood, making alone time appealing.

Rest and reflect

Get more sleep and spend time doing activities such as watching a film, reading, journaling, meditating, decluttering and organising your home.

Week 2: spring (days 8-14)

What is happening

It is your pre-ovulation week, during which your estrogen and testosterone levels begin to increase.

How you feel


You will likely feel more positive and upbeat, easily excitable and perhaps even a bit scatty or impulsive at times.


You will have more energy and enthusiasm and will be more sociable.



As well as finding it easier to concentrate, you might also be feeling bolder and braver.

Diet/ supplements

You might notice you need a little less food than before and can keep things light.

Vegetables and fibre

You could consider getting most of your carbohydrates from vegetables at this time, with some whole grains and legumes to top it up. And get your sugar from your fruit high in antioxidants like berries.


Add some healthy protein to your vegetables like beans, peas, lentils, eggs, yoghurt, fish, or poultry.

Fermented foods

It is a good time for fermented foods such as kefir, yoghurt, tempeh, and fermented vegetables.


You should be more motivated to exercise this week and have more energy to step up your routine.

High-impact cardio

Aerobics, running, HIIT and dancing are all choices.

Flow yoga

Try a fast-paced ashtanga or vinyasa for your flex choice.


You could add weights to your strengthening routine or use machines if you have a gym membership. You should also have the energy to try some HIIT strength training.


New projects

You are more motivated, inspired and enthusiastic, making new tasks and projects less daunting.

Tough tasks

Your drive to succeed will be higher, as will your ability to concentrate, so take on your most challenging work.

Free time

Use your increased mood and energy to your advantage.


You will have more energy and will feel happier and naturally more outgoing, maybe even a bit too talkative at times. It is a fun time to see friends or have office banter.

Watch your impulses

You might be a little over-excited, so resist shopping at this time to avoid impulse buys you might later regret.

Learn a new skill

Wanted to learn how to drive, play an instrument or learn a foreign language? Now is the time to start. And focusing on what you can do will take your mind off of what you can buy.

Week 3: summer (days 15-21)

What is happening

It is ovulation week. Estrogen and testosterone rise to a peak, then as the week goes on, estrogen will start to drop while progesterone begins to rise.

How you feel

You will likely be feeling your best during this summer period. 

A desire for pleasure

Much like wanting to bask in the sun in summer, you will be wanting to burn the candle at both ends and seek pleasure and fun from everywhere you can.


In the second half of this week, between days 18-21, your hormones reach a perfect balance, making you feel most stable at this time than any other during the month.

Confident and capable

As you are your most attractive this week, people will feel magnetised to you.


Again, you might not feel the need to eat much this week, so keep it light. Similar to how you might eat during summer.

Balanced diet

Along with your balanced mood, you should balance your diet with lots of healthy vegetables, fibre, protein and healthy fats.


Ovulation causes a drop in magnesium, so magnesium-rich foods such as seeds, leafy greens, dark chocolate, quinoa and tofu might help.


Your routine will be similar to week 2 (spring), but you could mix it up.

A fun/pleasurable cardio

An activity springs to mind which would make use of your increased attractiveness and libido. But dancing the night away with friends is also a fun choice.


Get more from people

Use your magnetic energy to get what you want from difficult meetings, or focus on making new clients this week.

Make tough decisions

Because you are at your most balanced during the second part of the week, you can have confidence in the decisions you might have to make.

Free time

The same things that will benefit your career at this time can also help your personal life.

Meet new people

It is a good time for getting yourself out there, either on the dating scene or trying out new activities where you might expand your social circle.

Communicate and find resolutions

If you have any issues, you will be most able to communicate them clearly to others and get the best out of your relationships.

Make life-changing decisions

Since you are at your most balanced between days 18-21, you should save any important decisions till then.

Week 4: autumn (days 22-28)

What is happening 

An imbalance of progesterone and estrogen causes PMS symptoms as your body prepares itself for your next period.

How you feel


You might feel low, negative or cranky and might notice that more stuff annoys you than usual.


You will be low in energy and wanting more rest than usual.

In pain

You might experience bloating this week or cramping towards the end of the week.


Because you will be lower in mood and energy, you are likely craving sweet foods and carbohydrates.

High-fibre carbs

Don’t skimp on fruits and vegetables with the skin left on, beans, whole grains, rice, quinoa, oats and other carbohydrates. And don’t feel bad about treating yourself to some chocolate if you crave it – dark chocolate especially will be good for your mood and provides a good source of magnesium too.

Healthy fats

Now is the time to start to increase your intake of essential fatty acids through nuts and seeds, avocado and oily fish.

Mood-enhancing supplements

If you feel low this week, you could consider taking St John’s Wort or similar. Just be careful to learn about the side effects of supplements before you take them.


You might want an easy week, similar to week 1, but your body is burning more fat than usual, so take advantage of it and make your workout a little challenging.

Weight training and some cardio

Use light weights or exercise machines at a gentle pace and do some low-intensity cardio like walking, swimming or cycling.

Restorative yoga

Again, yin or hatha yoga are good choices to relax your mind and body.


It is a good time to lighten your workload a bit.

Quiet work

You can reflect on the previous month’s activities or do some easier planning or solo tasks which don’t require too much energy.

Detail-orientated tasks

You should also be able to give attention to a particular area rather than looking at the bigger picture.

Free time


You should be able to sleep well during this phase of your cycle which is helpful as your need for sleep will be high.


You might feel more creative or detail-orientated, making it a good time for crafting, cooking or engaging in another creative hobby.

Comfort and introspection

Because you might be feeling low or irritable, you should spend more time on quiet relaxing activities such as curling up on the sofa or engaging in a self-care activity

So there you have it. Have any of you heard of this before and do you have any experience of organising your life around your monthly cycle? Leave a comment below.

organise your life around your period infographic

2 thoughts on “Organise Around Your Period”

  1. I absolutely love this post! So much of it rings true to how I feel and what my body needs. So fascinating!

    1. Glad you like it! A friend recently told me she plans her activities around moon phases. I started wondering if/how you could combine the two – might end up a future project of mine 🙂

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