Spring Clearing Week Challenge

Take part in my 7 Days of Decluttering challenge, celebrating this year’s National Spring Cleaning Week, 21st – 27th March 2022.

LAST UPDATED: 16/03/2022

It’s Spring Clearing Week! That’s right, it’s not a typo. You’ve probably heard of spring cleaning. Well, in 2018 the Association of Professional Organisers and Declutterers (APDO) created a national spring clearing week. After all, there’s no point dusting the cobwebs off of things you don’t even like or use!

New bits and bobs come into the home almost every day and our feelings towards things change over time so it’s essential to do a proper decluttering once in a while. Spring seems the perfect time of year for this!

So, if you want to join in, I’ve created a 7-day decluttering challenge, with a mixture of quick wins and harder but rewarding tasks. Feel free to switch up any items for ones you think are more relevant to you and, of course, take as long as you like. Drag the days out over weeks or months if it’s easier for you. Whatever works!

Good luck and enjoy your spring clearing!

7 Days of Decluttering

decluttering paperwork

Day 1: Paperwork

Why: Paperwork causes a lot of stress and anxiety if you don’t stay on top of it.
How: Go through and throw out all junk mail. For letters that require action, decide if you can take action now and create an in-tray for pending items. Set yourself a regular time every day to open your post and take on at least one letter from your in-tray. Once you’ve taken action, throw the letter away unless you need it for reference. Keep all your reference letters in category and date order to make things easy to find.

Day 2: Toiletries

Why: Because you always end up finding at least one unopened product you forget you bought – it’s like treating yourself to a mini shopping trip.
How: If it’s too much to do all your products in one go, pick a type of product, such as makeup, skincare or hair care. Go through and throw away any out-of-date products or any you’ve tried and don’t like. Try to store everything by category, standing products upright for easy access. Where possible, keep replacements with the products that are in use, so you don’t forget you have them. You could keep new bottles at the back like they do in shops.

decluttering collections

Day 3: Celebrate a collection

Why: Because decluttering is not just about throwing things away, but celebrating what you choose to keep.
How: Almost everyone has a collection of some sort. It could be ornaments, books, records, shoes, or even teas. It’s anything you have a lot of because you like them, rather than because you need them. After decluttering your collection, going through and letting go of anything you don’t use or love, organise and display it beautifully so that you’re reminded every day how good it feels to be surrounded by the things you love.

Day 4: Condiments

Why: Because it’s an easy win and it’s good to take stock of what you have
How: The rules are pretty much the same as with toiletries. Throw away anything out of date and anything you tried and don’t like. Sort remaining condiments into categories and store them upright for easy access and to prevent leaks. Consider keeping them in a plastic box, either at the top of your fridge or in a cupboard. The box acts as a drawer, making it easy to get to everything.

decluttering clothes hangers

Day 5: Clothes hangers

Why: Because hangers are so annoying when they get all caught up together in the bottom of your wardrobe!
How: Throw away any child hangers or odd-sized hangers that don’t fit your clothes. Don’t keep many more than you need to use. If you’re committed to keeping a tidy wardrobe, treat yourself to matching hangers and buy a small basket or fit a small hidden rail where you can store empty ones. Another idea is to move the hangers that aren’t being used to the right of your wardrobe so that you always know where an empty hanger is and so that they don’t look messy in between your clothes.

Day 6: Carrier bags

Why: Because you shouldn’t take a bag for life too literally
How: It’s nice that you want to be good to the environment, but unless you get into the habit of reusing your bags for life, you’ll end up buying more and more and soon they’ll be coming out of your ears! Be honest with yourself. If you have far too many, throw out any plastic ones, as well as stronger ones that aren’t in good condition or size. Make sure to go around the whole house if you have a habit of storing them in random places. Next, dedicate ONE place you can keep them – ideally near your front door so that you are reminded to grab them when you go shopping.


Day 7: Charity shop items

Why: Because let’s face it, you make a pile of stuff to take and then you don’t get round to taking it!
How: I am guilty of this too! If you declutter slowly and you only have a few items at a time you’re planning on donating, create a space such as a shelf in a cupboard, where you can keep them. Once the shelf is full, set a date and time to take everything to the charity shop. Give your unloved items the chance to find love again.